Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!

Workshops and Run throughs on the 4th!

Portland, CT

10:00-12:00 2x2 Weave poles!

 Introduction to weave poles and/or to fix entries/exits.
Dogs should be a minimum of 10 months old

12:15-2:15 Recall to heel and use on course

There are 6 locations at a jump the will cue your dog to collect, turn or extend. Learn how to use all 6 to negotiate your way around a course. Adult dogs will use jumps/tunnels and puppies will use jump stations/tunnels.
*Dog should be a minimum of 6 months no maximum age.
*Exercises will be modified to the level of the team

2:30-4:30 Run Throughs!

2 minutes on course with your dog. Use or toys and/or non crumbly food are welcome. Work through some of your trial bugaboos, run your dog in a different location and just come have some fun!
$5/run (please be on time for your walk through)
Email me to sign up for the workshops and rsvp for the run throughs

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Summer classes!!

Summer Skills and Puppy Fun!!

Starting Thursday July 25

Portland, CT


Agility Foundations 6-7:00

This class lays the foundation for a successful agility career for you and your dog. Dogs and handlers will learn how to work together, teach balance and body awareness. Some basic “obedience for agility” will be included. Several dogs will be on the floor at once so some focus exercises will be touched upon as well. Introduction to obstacles included

To sign up for Agility Foundations 

Summer Skills 7-8:30 Thursday nights. Sign up for one or all

July 25

Rear crosses
Trouble with rears? Is your dog not reading it or do you need help with mechanics? In this class, you will have a better understanding of the different types of rear crosses whether it's no motion, rear on the flat or straight line rear cross.


August 1

Serpentines and pull throughs (or threadles)
Learn how to correctly, efficiently cue and handle both serpentines and pull throughs including serpentine pushes.


August 8

Contact Drills

This class will focus on your handling with contacts. Can you front, rear, push and blind cross your contacts with your dog still performing correctly. Does your dog need proofing? Can your dog perform with a judge running alongside the dogwalk?
*I will modify the exercises depending on the needs of the dog/handler. Dogs must be sequencing contacts.

August 15

Using your Motion

Learn how your motion cues your dog around a course. Sequences with jumps/tunnels will be used.

To sign up for Summer skills

Agility Foundation $125/team limit 6 teams
Summer Skills: 1 class $30, sign up for all 4 weeks $100 limit 7 teams.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Thursday night workshop

International Handling

Ketchkers, reverse spins, lap turns oh my! With a few blind crosses thrown in. Anyone can do these.
Let's break down an international type course and see how you can run it efficiently and clean!
Do USDAA Masters Challenge courses stump you? Once you learn how to handle them, you will understand these technical courses.

$50/team, limited to 8
Location: Portland, CT
June 27 6-8 pm

Email to reserve your spot

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summer schedule

Due to training, events and work schedules, there are a few days of no classes.

Please take note of these dates:

  • No evening classes in either location: June 17/18 *day classes will be held
  • June 17 Masters Handling will run from 11-12:30 Foundation class 12:30-1:30
  • No classes either location July 1/2
  • No day classes July 15 * Evening classes will be held
  • No classes either location July 16

Summer Classes

Agility Facility Classes



 1-2:30 Masters Handling (8) Starting 6/17

Masters level course work with the introduction and introduction of some international style handling skills. Dogs should be competing in the Masters/Excellent level.

6-7 Agility Foundations II (6) Starting 7/8

This is a continuation of Agility Foundations. Progression of obstacle training and handling will be the focus of this class. Handling is taught with cones and tunnels and obstacles are taught separately. Dogs should be able to work off leash in this class.


7-8:30 Agility Basics (6) Starting 7/8

This class follows Foundation II. Dogs will begin their sequencing using jumps and tunnels. Contact and weave pole training will progress.

To sign up for Mondays in Portland

(12:30-2:30 Private lessons)

11:00-12:30 Novice handling/Obstacle basics (8) Starting 6/11

This is a “tweener” class where the dogs are sequencing with jumps and tunnels and contacts and weave poles are still in the “training stage”. Dogs will finish up their training and begin sequencing with all obstacles. This is where it will all come together

To Sign up for Tuesdays in Portland

6-7:30 Novice Handling (8) Starting 7/30

This is a novice level course that will include short drills with all obstacles. At least one contact obstacle and/or weave poles will be included in the sequences. Dogs should be doing all obstacles and handlers have an understanding of terms/cues.

7:30-9 Masters Handling (8) Starting 7/30

Masters level course work with the introduction and introduction of some international style handling skills. Dogs should be competing in the Masters/Excellent level

To Sign up for Tuesdays in Colchester