Thursday, October 31, 2013

October/November classes Killingworth

Fall Schedule

Killingworth, CT


Starting Monday November 4, 2013


Agility Foundations 6-7:00

This class lays the foundation for a successful agility career for you and your dog. Dogs and handlers will learn how to work together, teach balance and body awareness. Some basic “obedience for agility” will be included. Several dogs will be on the floor at once so some focus exercises will be touched upon as well. Introduction to obstacles included
Puppies should be a minimum of 4 months
Cost $125/6 weeks


Novice Handling/obstacle basics  7:30-9:00

This is a “tweener” class where the dogs are sequencing with jumps and tunnels and contacts and weave poles are still in the “training stage”. Dogs will finish up their training and begin sequencing with all obstacles. This is where it will all comes together

Cost $140/6 weeks

To sign up for classes, click on this link

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cynosports 2013

Cynosports experience 2013

Murfreesborough, Tennessee

The dogs and I went to Tennessee for the 2013 Cynosports World Games! What a blast we had.
The goal was to give Pace, my 2 1/2 year old a good experience at a national event with no pressure. There were over 1100 dogs entered! It was Bug's last year in the Championship division jumping 22".
We met our goals and had a blast. This time at nationals, I don't wish I could have "another run" in any of my classes! I am happy with each and every run we had.
Here is a video of our adventures

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Don't Fall into Winter unprepared!!

Heading into Fall workshops

Saturday October 19 , 2013
Location Training room at Pieper-Olson Vet in Middletown, CT

Getting to know your dog

This workshop is geared towards active/sporting dogs but can be implemented towards any dog.
Learn how to recognize the signs when your dog is injured. Signs can often times be very subtle. You know something is wrong but you just can't put your finger on it. First you have to know what your dog feels like when they are not injured.
*This is not a workshop to diagnose a problem that is going on now but rather teach you how to evaluate your own dog on a daily to weekly basis.
This is an interactive workshop for you and your dog
Limit 6 dogs/handlers

Canine Conditioning

Going into winter, sometimes it's tough to get outside to exercise your dogs because of the darkness, cold or weather. This workshop is great for keeping your dog fit, stronger and great for giving them something constructive to do with their active brains. Exercises you can do with your dog in your living room! It's also great for bonding time with your furry friend. This workshop is great for puppies, adults and geriatric dog.
This is an interactive workshop for you and your dog
Limit 6 dogs/handlers
1p-3p $50/team

Agility Handler Warm ups and stretches

For the Human part of the team! We spend all kinds of money and time keeping our dogs fit. There are 2 parts of your team!! Proper warm ups and stretching is vital for the human part as well as the dog to keep you moving at your best and to avoid injuries. It's important to be stretching correctly!!
Michele Nanfito will guide you through these very important exercises and help you to develop a routine.
Limit 6 Humans
To Register:
You can pay via paypal but fees unfortunately apply
You can cancel paypal at the registration and you will remain registered and mail a check.

Chiropractic and Massage will be available

Sunday October 20 during workshop hours in

Killingworth, CT

Canine Chiropractic

Handler Massage


Michele Nanfito, Human massage therapy!

{Profile pending}
Taking appointments. Put Handler Massage in subject line

Dr. Lisa St. Aubin Canine Chiropractic!

Taking appointments. Put Canine Chiropractic in subject line
Email for an appointment time.
Lisa St. Aubin, DVM, MPVM, CVSMT
Dr. Lisa St. Aubin graduated veterinary school from the University of
California at Davis with a dual degree in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and a
Master's in Preventive Veterinary Medicine(MPVM).  After practicing small
animal and exotic medicine for two years in California, she re-located
back to the east coast to complete a one year internship in aquatic animal
medicine at the Mystic Aquarium in Mystic CT, followed by a one year
position at the Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence RI.  Since that
time, she has worked at various small animal and exotic practices as a
relief veterinarian, but her passion has always remained with improving
the function and performance of canine athletes.   In order to pursue
advanced training in veterinary spinal manipulative therapy (also known as
chiropractic medicine), Dr. St. Aubin recently received her VSMT
certification from the Healing Oasis Wellness Center (HOWC).   The HOWC is
the only private school that provides state approved programs and that is
accredited under the US Department of Education by the Accrediting Council
for Continuing Education and Training (
<>). This is an intense 226 hour post- graduate
education and certification program with an emphasis in functional and
integrative neurology in both canine and equine patients as it applies to
VSMT.  In addition, Dr. St. Aubin is a certified member of the College of
Dr. St. Aubin has a special interest in performance and working dogs and
increasing their quality of life as well as their endurance capabilities.
She shares her home with her Border Collie, Riley J Dog and a Dutch
Shepherd, Maicoh. She trains and competes in various canine sports
including agility, French Ring, stock and dock diving.

Heeling Hands Veterinary Services, LLC
Lisa B. St. Aubin, DVM, MPVM, CVSMT
Certified Member of the College of Animal Chiropractors


Autumn Agility workshops

Something for everyone

Sunday October 20, 2013
Killingworth, CT
Indoors in a riding arena


Run Clean for the Novice Handler

Do you have difficulty remember where you're going? What cross to put where? You don't want to frustrate your dog but want to get it right! This workshop will help you to memorize and understand how to implement your handling correctly. Your dog may be of the 2 legged variety if you wish. We have plenty of volunteer "dogs". You will also get a chance to run your 4 legged dog so be sure to bring him along
Limit to 6 teams

Jumping Drills

Show your dog how to balance and scope through these jump exercises. Grids will be based on Susan Salo's method of training. Open to all dogs age 4 months and older with no age limit. We will use jump bumps for puppies
Limit 6 teams

Run Clean for the Experienced Handler/Dog!!

Sometimes you have to "think on your feet" while running your dog. Things don't go as planned because you either got lost or your dog has something else on his mind. Learn how to focus and do in the heat of things. This workshop will keep you thinking :-)
Open to dogs that are sequencing 10-15 obstacles or more
Limit 6 teams
To Register:
You can pay via paypal but fees unfortunately apply
You can cancel paypal at the registration and you will remain registered and mail a check.