Thursday, October 31, 2013

October/November classes Killingworth

Fall Schedule

Killingworth, CT


Starting Monday November 4, 2013


Agility Foundations 6-7:00

This class lays the foundation for a successful agility career for you and your dog. Dogs and handlers will learn how to work together, teach balance and body awareness. Some basic “obedience for agility” will be included. Several dogs will be on the floor at once so some focus exercises will be touched upon as well. Introduction to obstacles included
Puppies should be a minimum of 4 months
Cost $125/6 weeks


Novice Handling/obstacle basics  7:30-9:00

This is a “tweener” class where the dogs are sequencing with jumps and tunnels and contacts and weave poles are still in the “training stage”. Dogs will finish up their training and begin sequencing with all obstacles. This is where it will all comes together

Cost $140/6 weeks

To sign up for classes, click on this link


  1. Where is the location? Oh, and this is Rachel Christiana, with the little puppy Zeus. He's going to be 6 months old on the 28th, so we'd really like to join you this time around. He's a really smart dog, who loves to follow commands. He knows sit, down, stand up, and paw, and he can walk VERY WELL on a leash, on either side, and we do well with turns and such. I've been keeping him with good manners, so we'd love to finally be a student of yours this October.

    1. It's in Killingworth. The address:91 Parker Hill Road Ext, Killingworth, CT
      It sounds like you are doing your homework. Let me know for sure if you are going to join.

  2. I am interested in the Foundations class, my dog has done one class and did most obstacle's quite well. Is there any way that I could drop by the 7:30 class on Monday? I got your name from a friend who posted Daisy Jean's video. Thank you. Martha

    1. Hi,
      You are welcome to stop by without your dog to watch. The class is full though.

  3. Mary, my name is Katy Gropp and I signed up for the foundations class as soon as it appeared on my facebook feed on Monday. I've had my new dog Mae (4 yr ESS Rescue) for about 6 months and have gone through the beginning and intermediate obedience classes at Gagnon's. My previous ESS loved agility but I had to retire her (heart murmur) when she had 2 AKC Open legs and 1 Open JWW leg. I board at Fox Ledge in East Haddam and lent a couple of pieces of equipment (a tunnel and table) when you had agility there. Did I get into the Foundations class?
